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How to Strikethrough in Excel

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How to Strikethrough in Excel

If you’re someone who uses Microsoft Excel regularly, you know that there are many formatting options available. One of the most commonly used formatting options is strikethrough, which can be used to show that certain items are no longer relevant or accurate. Whether you’re using Excel for work or personal reasons, knowing how to apply strikethrough is a valuable skill to have. In this blog post, we’ll take you through the steps required to use strikethrough in Excel, so you can quickly and effectively format your spreadsheets.


If you’ve ever used Excel, you know that the ability to organize your data is crucial. One way to do this is by using strikethrough to indicate that something is no longer relevant. The strikethrough formatting option crosses out the text without deleting it and makes it easier to identify items that should be ignored. In this blog post, you’ll learn how to apply strikethrough formatting to cells in Excel, so you can keep your data organized and easily accessible.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Strikethrough in Excel

Step 1: Select the Cells to be Strikethrough

The first step to apply strikethrough formatting to cells is to select the cells you want to format. You can either select a single cell or multiple cells by clicking and dragging the cursor across the relevant cells. If you want to select an entire row or column, you can simply click on the row or column heading.

Step 2: Open the Format Cells Dialog Box

Once you have selected your cells, right-click and select Format Cells from the context menu. Alternatively, you can press Ctrl+1 on your keyboard to open the Format Cells dialog box.

Step 3: Choose the Font Tab

In the Format Cells dialog box, select the Font tab. Here, you’ll see a list of font styles and formatting options.

Step 4: Select Strikethrough in the Effects Box

Under the Effect section, select the checkbox next to Strikethrough. When you click on this option, a line will appear through the center of the selected text in the Preview box, so you can see exactly what the text will look like with strikethrough formatting.

Step 5: Click Ok to Apply Strikethrough Formatting

Once you’ve selected the Strikethrough option, click the OK button to close the Format Cells dialog box and apply the formatting to the selected cells. Alternatively, you can also click Apply to apply changes and keep the dialog box open.

Strikethrough is a useful formatting option that can help you organize and quickly identify irrelevant data in your Excel spreadsheet. By following these simple steps, you can apply strikethrough formatting to cells in Excel, making it easier to focus on the relevant data in your spreadsheet.

Other Useful Formatting Tips for Excel

In addition to strikethrough formatting, there are several other formatting options available in Excel that can help you make your spreadsheets easier to read and understand.

Bold Text

Bold text can be used to emphasize certain data in your spreadsheet. To format text as bold in Excel, simply highlight the text you want to format and press Ctrl + B on your keyboard or click on the Bold button in the Home tab in the ribbon.

Italicized Text

Italicized text is used to add emphasis to certain words or phrases in your spreadsheet. To format text as italicized in Excel, highlight the text you want to format and press Ctrl + I on your keyboard or click on the Italic button in the Home tab in the ribbon.

Strikeout Text

Similar to strikethrough, strikeout text is used to indicate that something is no longer relevant. However, strikeout text removes the text from view, while strikethrough text leaves the text in place but with a line through the center. To format text as strikeout in Excel, highlight the text you want to format and press Ctrl + 5 on your keyboard or click on the Strikethrough button in the Home tab in the ribbon.

Font Size

Font size is used to adjust the size of the text in your spreadsheet. This can be useful for making headings and titles stand out. To adjust the font size in Excel, highlight the text you want to adjust and select the desired font size from the drop-down menu in the Home tab in the ribbon.

Cell Alignment

Cell alignment can be used to adjust the position of text within a cell. You can align text to the left, center, or right of a cell, or adjust the orientation of a cell. To align text in a cell in Excel, select the cell or range of cells you want to format and click on the Alignment tab in the Format Cells dialog box. From there, you can adjust the horizontal and vertical alignment, as well as the text orientation.

Excel offers a range of formatting options that can help you organize and present data in a clear and effective way. By using strikethrough, bold, italicized, and strikeout formatting options, as well as adjusting font size and cell alignment, you can create spreadsheets that are easy to read and understand. These formatting options are particularly useful for large datasets, as they allow you to highlight important information and minimize irrelevant data.


Here are some frequently asked questions about using strikethrough formatting in Excel:

Can I apply strikethrough formatting to an entire row in Excel?

Yes, you can apply strikethrough formatting to an entire row in Excel. To do so, select the row you want to format by clicking on the row heading, right-click, and select Format Cells from the context menu. From there, follow the steps outlined in the blog post to apply strikethrough formatting to the entire row.

Can I remove strikethrough formatting from a cell in Excel?

Yes, you can remove strikethrough formatting from a cell in Excel by selecting the cell and then opening the Format Cells dialog box. In the Font tab, uncheck the box next to Strikethrough to remove the formatting from the cell.

What is the keyboard shortcut for applying strikethrough formatting in Excel?

The keyboard shortcut for applying strikethrough formatting in Excel is Ctrl + 5. This will apply strikethrough formatting to selected text or cells.

Can I use conditional formatting to apply strikethrough formatting in Excel?

Yes, you can use conditional formatting to apply strikethrough formatting in Excel. To do so, select the cells you want to apply conditional formatting to, click on the Conditional Formatting button in the Home tab of the ribbon, and select New Rule. From there, you can set the criteria for when the strikethrough formatting should be applied.

Can I apply strikethrough formatting to multiple cells or ranges in Excel?

Yes, you can apply strikethrough formatting to multiple cells or ranges in Excel. Simply select the cells or ranges you want to format and then follow the steps outlined in the blog post to apply strikethrough formatting to all selected cells.

Bill Whitman from Learn Excel

I'm Bill Whitman, the founder of, where I combine my passion for education with my deep expertise in technology. With a background in technology writing, I excel at breaking down complex topics into understandable and engaging content. I'm dedicated to helping others master Microsoft Excel and constantly exploring new ways to make learning accessible to everyone.

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