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Excel ISEVEN Function

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Excel ISEVEN Function

Welcome to an exploration of the Microsoft Excel ISEVEN function, a handy tool residing within the realm of Excel Logical Functions. This function plays a critical role in determining whether a given number is even, helping users streamline their decision-making processes within spreadsheets. Let’s dive deeper into the syntax, uses, and benefits of the ISEVEN function.

Excel ISEVEN Syntax:


The ISEVEN function contains just one argument, number, which refers to the value you wish to test for evenness. It simplifies checks for even numbers, allowing conditional formatting, data validation, or complex logical operations to proceed smoothly.

Excel ISEVEN Parameters:

number: The value you want to test. It can be a number, a reference to a cell containing a number, or a formula that evaluates to a number. Even if the provided value is in decimal form, ISEVEN considers only the integer part to determine evenness.

Return Value:

ISEVEN returns TRUE if the given number is even, and FALSE otherwise. This binary outcome makes it straightforward to integrate into various logical functions and conditions.


  • To check if the number 4 is even, =ISEVEN(4) would return TRUE.
  • If A1 contains the number 5, =ISEVEN(A1) would yield FALSE, as 5 is an odd number.
  • Combining with other functions, like IF, to perform actions based on evenness: =IF(ISEVEN(B2), "Even", "Odd")

Use Cases:

Common use cases of the ISEVEN function include:

  • Data filtering: Classifying rows or records based on the evenness of a key field.
  • Conditional formatting: Highlighting or formatting even numbers differently for quick analysis.
  • Complex logical operations: Building intricate formulas that depend on whether certain conditions meet even criteria.

For best practices, familiarize yourself with the function’s behavior with non-numeric or text inputs to ensure accurate results.

Common Errors:

Users might encounter errors when non-numeric inputs are provided, or when referencing empty cells. To avoid these issues, ensure that:

  • The argument is either a number or a reference to a cell containing a numeric value.
  • Any referenced cells are not empty and contain valid numeric values.


ISEVEN is compatible with all modern versions of Excel, including Excel for Office 365. However, users on very old versions of Excel should verify functionality.


The ISEVEN function is a straightforward yet powerful tool in Excel’s logical functions arsenal. By determining the evenness of numbers, it facilitates various analytical and logical operations, enhancing both productivity and decision-making. At, we encourage budding Excel enthusiasts and seasoned analysts alike to leverage the ISEVEN function in their spreadsheets. Experiment with its applications and unlock the potential of logical operations in your data analysis efforts.

Bill Whitman from Learn Excel

I'm Bill Whitman, the founder of, where I combine my passion for education with my deep expertise in technology. With a background in technology writing, I excel at breaking down complex topics into understandable and engaging content. I'm dedicated to helping others master Microsoft Excel and constantly exploring new ways to make learning accessible to everyone.

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