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How to Create a Mail Merge from Excel

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How to Create a Mail Merge from Excel

If you’re tired of sending generic emails and wasting hours formatting spreadsheets, a mail merge might be the solution you’re looking for. Fortunately, creating a mail merge from Excel is a straightforward process that can be completed in a few simple steps. By combining Excel data with Microsoft Word, you can quickly craft personalized emails, labels, and documents that are tailored to each recipient. This blog post will guide you through the basic steps of creating a mail merge in Excel, so you can improve your productivity and streamline your communication efforts.

What is a Mail Merge?

Before diving into the process of creating a mail merge, let’s first define what it is. Mail merge is a function that allows users to create personalized copies of the same document, such as letters or e-mails, and send them to multiple recipients. This is particularly useful when you need to send the same message to a large group of people while still addressing them by name and other personal details.

Preparing Your Data in Excel

The first step of creating a mail merge is to prepare the recipient data in Excel. To do this, open up a new Excel spreadsheet and populate the first row with headings for each column. For example, “First Name,” “Last Name,” “Address,” “City,” and “State.” Each subsequent row should be populated with the corresponding information for each recipient. Make sure to include and organize all the necessary information you want to include in the merge.

Exporting to a CSV File

Once you’ve prepared your data in Excel, the next step is to export it as a comma-separated value (CSV) file. To do this, click “File” and then “Save As.” In the “Save as type” dropdown menu, select “CSV (Comma delimited).” Give it a name and save it to your desired location on your computer.

Creating the Merge Document in Word

After you have exported the required information to a CSV file, the next step is to create the merge document in Microsoft Word. Open a new document in Word and click on the “Mailings” tab. From there, select “Start Mail Merge” and choose the type of document you want to create — such as email, letter, or labels.

Linking Your Excel Data

The next step is to link the CSV file you created earlier to your merge document by selecting “Select Recipients” and then “Use Existing List.” Browse your computer and find the CSV file, and open it.

Customizing Your Document and Inserting Fields

Once your data is linked, you can begin customizing your document and inserting fields to personalize it. Inserting fields can be done by selecting “Insert Merge Field” and choosing the appropriate column name from the Excel data you want to include. Once you’ve customized and personalized your document, preview it to verify it looks as expected.

Completing the Mail Merge and Sending Your Emails

After customizing, you are ready to complete the mail merge. Select “Finish & Merge” and “Edit Individual Documents” to preview each personalized email/letter and make sure it looks good. Once you’re happy with the result, you can either print the documents or send them directly from Word as emails.

Creating a mail merge is an essential time-saving hack that can help get your messages across faster and more efficiently. With Excel, Word, and a little guidance, you too can master this useful function.

Mail Merge Tips

Here are some tips to keep in mind when creating a mail merge from Excel:

Keep Your Data Separate from Your Document

It’s essential to keep your recipient data separate from your mail merge document. Having them in the same file risks losing data if the document is accidentally saved without merging. Keeping them separate also allows for easy updates, saving time and minimizing errors.

Use Clear and Descriptive Column Headings

Use headings that correspond to data categories that are clear and self-explanatory. This helps avoid mistakes when inserting fields and improves the overall consistency of your data.

Double-Check the Preview Before Merging

Before completing your mail merge, it’s essential to preview your document and make sure that all of the data fields are correctly inserted and that documents are being personalized as planned. A simple typo can spoil the personalization effect, so ensure correct wordings and upper/lowercase formatting.

Use Mail Merge to Improve Customer Experience

Mail merge can be used for a variety of documents, from promotional offers to customer thank-you letters. Personalizing customer communications improves engagement and increases the chances of positive outcomes.


Creating a mail merge from Excel can sound daunting, but it’s a valuable skill with many applications in the business world. By combining Excel and Microsoft word, you can save time and improve communication with your audience effectively.


Here are the most frequently asked questions about creating a mail merge from Excel:

What is the difference between the ‘Mailings’ tab and ‘Insert’ tab of Microsoft Word?

The ‘Insert’ tab is for inserting items like pages, tables, illustrations, and charts. The ‘Mailings’ tab, on the other hand, is designed explicitly for mailing functionalities such as mail merge, envelopes, and labels.

Why do I need to use a CSV file for mail merge?

Excel files can convert to different formats, causing formatting issues in your mail merge. By using a CSV file, you guarantee the correct formatting for the data obtained from Excel. CSV, which stands for Comma Separated Value, is also a more compatible file format across different software applications.

What type of documents can I create with mail merge?

You can create a variety of documents using mail merge, such as emails, letters, envelopes, labels, and customized forms.

How can I prevent formatting mistakes when inserting fields?

Inserting fields accurately is essential in creating a successful mail merge. To prevent formatting mistakes, double-check the formatting of each field as you insert it. Format consistency is essential for personalization and readability, so keep an eye out for extra spaces, capitalization, and spelling errors.

What are the advantages of using mail merge?

Mail merge saves plenty of time by eliminating the need to create repetitive correspondence manually. Merging recipient data and documents supports personalized messaging and helps improve engagement with your target audience. It also minimizes errors, ensuring only accurate information is communicated to your recipients, which can enhance customer experience and bolster brand identity.

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