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How to Use the Round Function in Excel

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How to Use the Round Function in Excel

Welcome to this blog post on how to use the Round function in Excel. Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool that is used to carry out various calculations and display numerical data effectively. One of the features that make Excel stand out is its ability to make mathematical calculations hassle-free. The Round function is one of the most frequently used functions in Excel, and it enables you to round off numbers to a specific decimal point or significant figure. In this blog post, we will explore what the Round function is, how it works, and how to use it in Excel, to make your calculations more refined and professional-looking.

What is the Round function in Excel?

The Round function in Excel is a mathematical function that rounds a number to a specified number of decimal points or significant figures. It lets you round numbers up or down to the nearest whole number or to the nearest specified decimal point. Whether you are working with sales figures, budgets, or any other numerical data, the Round function can help you display precise values, making your spreadsheets more professional and easier to read.

How to use the Round function in Excel?

Step 1: Enter your numerical data

Before you start rounding off your numbers, you need to have them in a worksheet. Therefore, the first step is to enter your numerical data in the cells of your worksheet.

Step 2: Insert the formula

To use the Round function, you need to insert a formula into the cell where you want the rounded number to appear:

=ROUND(number, num_digits)

  • Number: This is the value that you want to round off.
  • Num_digits: This is the number of decimal points or significant figures to round to. A positive number means to round to the right of the decimal point, while a negative number means to round to the left of the decimal point.

Step 3: Use the Round function to round off numbers

Let’s take an example to illustrate how to use the Round function in Excel. Suppose you have a worksheet with sales data that includes the price of a product. You want to round off the prices to the nearest dollar. Here is how you can do it:

  1. Select the cell where you want to see the rounded value, type the formula =ROUND(A1,0), and press Enter.
  2. The result appears in the cell, and it should be rounded to the nearest dollar.
  3. If you have a lot of data to round off, you can use the fill handle to copy the formula to other cells quickly.

Step 4: Use the Round function to round off numbers to a specific decimal point

To round off numbers to a specific decimal, you can modify the Num_digits arguement of the ROUND function to suit the required decimal place. For example, to round off numbers to the nearest hundredth:

  1. Enter the data that you want to round off in the worksheet.
  2. Select the cell where you want to see the rounded value, type the formula =ROUND(A1,2), and press Enter.
  3. The result should now be rounded to the nearest hundredth.

Step 5: Use the Round function to round off numbers to a specific significant figure

Rounding off numbers to a specific significant figure can be helpful when you need to obtain a value that is easy to read and understand while also making your data look professional. Here’s how you can round off numbers to a specific significant figure:

  1. Enter the data that you want to round off in the worksheet.
  2. Select the cell where you want to see the rounded value, type the formula =ROUND(A1,-2), and press Enter.
  3. The result should now be rounded to the nearest hundred.

The Round function is a valuable tool that makes your calculations look more professional and easier to read. Now that you know how to use the Round function in Excel, you can round off numbers to your desired decimal point or significant figure, thereby saving time and making your data more accurate. So go ahead and try it out today!

Other tips to round off numbers in Excel

Here are some additional tips to round numbers in other ways:

Round up or down using the IF and ROUNDUP/ROUNDDOWN functions

If you want to round off numbers up or down based on a certain criterion, such as rounding off numbers greater than or equal to 0.5 upwards and those less than 0.5 downwards, you can use the IF, ROUNDUP, and ROUNDDOWN functions. Here’s an example:


  • A1: This is the cell that contains the number you want to round off.
  • The formula states that if the number in cell A1 is greater than or equal to 0.5, round it off upwards using the ROUNDUP function. Otherwise, round it off downwards using the ROUNDDOWN function.

Use the MROUND function to round off to the nearest multiple

The MROUND function allows you to round off a number to the nearest multiple. This function can be useful when working with measurements or currencies that need to be rounded off to specific units or denominations. For example, to round off sales numbers to the nearest $100:


  • A1: This is the cell that contains the number you want to round off.
  • The formula states that the number in cell A1 should be rounded off to the nearest 100 using the MROUND function.

Knowing how to use the Round function in Excel is an essential skill that can help you make your calculations more accurate and presentable. Whether you need to round off numbers to a specific decimal point, significant figure, or multiple, Excel has the tools to help you do it seamlessly. We hope this guide on how to use the Round function in Excel has been helpful, and now you can easily use the function in your spreadsheets, making your data more professional and reader-friendly.


Here are some commonly asked questions when it comes to using the Round function in Excel:

What is the difference between ROUND and ROUNDUP functions?

The ROUND function in Excel allows you to round off to the nearest specified decimal point or significant figure. Whereas, the ROUNDUP function is used to round up the number to the nearest whole number or a specified decimal point or significant figure.

How do I format the rounded number to currency?

To format your rounded number to currency, select the cell containing the rounded number, right-click, click Format Cells, and select Currency from the list of options on the Number tab.

What if I want to round off numbers down?

To round off numbers down, use the ROUNDDOWN function in place of the ROUND function used to round numbers up.

Can I use the Round function to round off a range of numbers at once?

Yes, you can use the fill handle or drag function to copy the formula with the ROUND function to the range containing the data that you want to round off and Excel automatically adjusts the cell reference accordingly.

Can I undo rounding off numbers in Excel?

Yes, you can undo rounding off numbers in Excel by selecting the cell containing the rounded number, right-click, and click Format Cells. In the Format Cells dialog box, click General, and then click OK.

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