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Excel DAYS Function

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Excel DAYS Function

Welcome to, where we aim to demystify Excel’s functionalities for you. One useful feature in Excel is the DAYS function. It’s designed to calculate the number of days between two dates. This can be incredibly handy for various calculations such as project timelines, age calculations, or even counting down to an event.


This function falls under the Excel Date and Time Functions category. These functions play a crucial role in managing and manipulating dates and times in your spreadsheets, making your data analysis tasks smoother and more insightful.

Excel DAYS Syntax

=DAYS(end_date, start_date)

The DAYS function uses two arguments:

  • end_date: The end date of the period you’re measuring.
  • start_date: The start date of the period.

Excel DAYS Parameters

Let’s dive a bit deeper into each parameter:

  • end_date represents the final date in the period you’re examining. This argument can be entered as a text string in quotation marks (e.g., “12/25/2023”), as a serial number, or as a result of another function.
  • start_date is the initial date of your calculated period. Similar to the end_date, it accepts inputs as text, serial numbers, or as outputs from other functions.

Important to note is that Excel stores dates as serial numbers to facilitate calculations. The DAYS function, therefore, works by subtracting the serial number of the start_date from the end_date.

Return Value

The DAYS function returns the number of days between the two specified dates. This value is presented as an integer, indicating the total days from the start_date to the end_date, including the start date.


To give you a clearer picture, here are a couple of examples:

  • Calculating the age in days: =DAYS("2023-12-31", "1990-05-15")
  • Project deadline countdown: =DAYS(A2, TODAY()) where A2 contains the project end date.

Use Cases

Common use cases for the DAYS function include:

  • Age calculations.
  • Project timeline tracking.
  • Counting days to or from an event.

A tip for effective use is combining DAYS with other functions to automate dynamic date calculations, like calculating a countdown which updates every day.

Common Errors

Users might encounter errors such as #VALUE! which occurs if the supplied dates are not recognized as valid Excel dates. To avoid these, ensure your dates are in a format Excel recognizes or use the DATE function to construct dates.


The DAYS function is compatible with Excel 2013 and later versions. Users of earlier versions can use the alternative method of simply subtracting the earlier date from the later date, though this might require additional date formatting.


We’ve covered the basics, use cases, and some common errors associated with the DAYS function. Excel date and time functions, like DAYS, offer flexible solutions for dealing with date-related data. Practice using the DAYS function in your spreadsheets to see how you can streamline your date calculations. Remember, at, we are dedicated to helping you understand the full potential of Excel functions in the simplest terms possible.

Don’t hesitate to experiment with the function and integrate it into your Excel toolkit for more efficient data management and analysis.

Bill Whitman from Learn Excel

I'm Bill Whitman, the founder of, where I combine my passion for education with my deep expertise in technology. With a background in technology writing, I excel at breaking down complex topics into understandable and engaging content. I'm dedicated to helping others master Microsoft Excel and constantly exploring new ways to make learning accessible to everyone.

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