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How to Convert Seconds to Minutes in Excel

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How to Convert Seconds to Minutes in Excel

Excel is a versatile tool for data management and analysis that provides a wide range of functions and formulas to help users perform their tasks quickly and efficiently. One specific task that people often struggle with is converting time formatted in seconds to minutes. In this blog post, we will show you how to use Excel’s formulas and formatting features to convert seconds to minutes in a snap. Whether you’re working with large datasets or simple calculations, this step-by-step guide will help you get the job done in no time.

Understanding Time Formats in Excel

Before we dive into converting seconds to minutes, you need to understand how Excel stores and handles time formats. In Excel, time is stored as fractions of a day. Specifically, one day is represented by the value 1. So, if you want to convert seconds to minutes, you have to divide the number of seconds by the number of seconds in a minute, which is 60. This will give you the value of the time in minutes, which you can then format accordingly.

Step-by-Step Guide: Converting Seconds to Minutes

Step 1: Enter your Data

The first step is to enter the data in Excel. Make sure that your data is in a consistent format, with all values entered in seconds.

Step 2: Create a New Column

Next, create a new column next to your time data column. This is where you will enter the formula to convert the seconds to minutes.

Step 3: Enter the Formula

In the first cell of the new column, enter the formula =cell/60, where “cell” is the cell containing the number of seconds you want to convert.

Step 4: Apply the Formula to the Entire Column

Now that you have entered the formula for the first cell in the column, you can apply this formula to the entire column quickly. Simply, select the first cell where you entered the formula, and grab the small square handle at the bottom right of the cell border. Drag this handle all the way down to the last cell where you want to apply the formula. The formula will be automatically computed for all the cells in the range.

Step 5: Format the Column for Time

Now that you have the new column with the values of time in minutes, you will need to format it according to your preference. To do this, select the whole column, right-click and click on “Format Cells.” In the “Number” tab of the Format Cells dialog box, select “Time” from the list of categories on the left, and then select “Minute” from the list of Types on the right. Finally, choose the Time format that you prefer, and click OK to apply the format to the whole column.


Converting seconds to minutes in Excel is a straightforward process that can be accomplished in just a few simple steps. With the right formula and formatting, you can convert any time data you have into minutes easily, allowing you to work with and analyze your data more effectively

Additional Tips when Working with Time in Excel

Converting seconds to minutes is a fundamental yet essential operation that users perform on time values. Here are some additional tips to consider when working with time in Excel:

1. Formatting Time

To format time in Excel, select the cell(s) with the time value, then right-click and select “Format Cells.” Choose the “Time” option under “Category” from the “Number” tab.

2. Summing Time Values

If you want to sum time values in Excel, use the “SUM” formula. However, if the sum goes beyond 24 hours, you need to format the cell using the “Custom” format instead. For instance, use [h]:mm if you want to display the total hours and minutes in the sum.

3. Working with Time Differences

Excel stores time values as numbers. Hence, to calculate the difference between two times, you can subtract the earlier time from the later time. This will give you the time difference in days. You can then multiply this result by the number of seconds, minutes, or hours in a day to get the result you want.

4. Using Time Functions

Excel has several time functions that can be used to work with time values. For instance, the “HOUR” function extracts the hour from a time value, while the “MINUTE” function extracts the minutes from a time value. Other useful Excel time functions include “SECOND,” “DATE,” “YEAR,” and “MONTH.”

5. Remember to Use Absolute Referencing with Time Formulas

When you drag a formula down to apply to other cells, Excel adjusts the cell references in the formula depending on the position. So, when you are working with time formulas, remember to use absolute referencing. This will ensure that the formula always refers to the correct time value.

Converting seconds to minutes in Excel is a fundamental operation that you will need to know to work effectively with time data. With the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to convert any time value into minutes and format it accordingly. Furthermore, the additional tips shared here will help you work even more efficiently with time data in Excel.

FAQs about Converting Seconds to Minutes in Excel

Here are some frequently asked questions related to converting seconds to minutes in Excel:

Q: Can I convert time values in different formats to minutes in Excel?

Yes, Excel can convert time values in different formats such as hours, minutes, seconds into minutes. You can follow the same steps highlighted in this article, but tweak the formula to accommodate the format variation.

Q: How can I round off the minutes in the converted time values?

To round off the minute value in the converted value, you can use the “ROUND” function. For instance, to round off to two decimal points, use the formula =ROUND(cell/60, 2), where “cell” is the cell containing the time in seconds.

Q: Can I convert a large dataset of time values to minutes at once?

Yes, you can convert a large dataset to minutes at once by copying the formula applied to the first cell and then pasting the formula as a value in the entire column.

Q: What is the maximum time value that Excel can handle?

Excel stores time values as numbers that represent fractions of a day. The maximum time value that Excel can handle is 23:59:59 or 86,399 seconds.

Q: How do I change the default date and time format in Excel?

To change the default date and time format in Excel, go to the “File” menu, then select “Options,” followed by “Advanced.” Under the “When calculating this workbook” section, click on the “Use 1904 date system” checkbox to enable it. Finally, select your preferred date and time format from the drop-down menus, then click “OK” to confirm the changes.

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