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How to Calculate MAD in Excel

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How to Calculate MAD in Excel

As an expert in Microsoft Excel, one of the important measures that you might need to calculate for understanding the distribution of data is the Mean Absolute Deviation or MAD. Knowing how to calculate this statistic will help you to understand the average distance between data points and the central tendency. MAD is a simple statistical measure that can be computed in Excel. In this guide, we will show you how to calculate MAD in Excel using a simple formula and walk you through a step-by-step process to make it easier. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced Excel user, this guide will provide practical tips on how to calculate MAD in Excel.

What is MAD?

Before we dive into the calculation process, let’s first define what MAD is. MAD stands for Mean Absolute Deviation and it’s a statistical measure that measures the average distance between each data point and the mean or central tendency of the entire dataset. It’s a great way to measure the variability of a dataset.

How to Calculate MAD in Excel?

Calculating MAD is a pretty straightforward process. You just need to follow these simple steps:

Step 1: Enter your Data into Excel

The first step is to enter your data into an Excel sheet. Suppose we have a set of data that represent the daily sales of a store for a month and we want to calculate the MAD:

Sales Absolute Difference from Average
55 28
45 18
60 23
50 13
70 27
65 22

Step 2: Calculate Average (Mean)

The next step is to calculate the average or mean of the dataset. In our example, we will calculate the mean of the sales:


Result: 57.5

Step 3: Calculate Absolute Difference from Average

The next step is to calculate the absolute difference between each data point and the mean. In Excel, you can use the ABS function to get the absolute difference of each data point from the mean. In our example, we will use the following formula in cell B2 and then drag it down to other cells:



Sales Absolute Difference from Average
55 2.5
45 12.5
60 2.5
50 7.5
70 12.5
65 7.5

Step 4: Calculate MAD

The last step is to calculate the Mean Absolute Deviation. You can do this by calculating the average of the absolute difference. In our example, we will use the following formula:


Result: 7.5

Final Thoughts

That’s it! You now know how to calculate the Mean Absolute Deviation using Excel. Remember, this statistic is a great way to measure the variability in a dataset. It can be a powerful tool in analyzing your data, and it’s relatively easy to compute using Excel. Hopefully, this guide has been helpful to you.

Interpreting MAD

Once you’ve calculated the MAD of your dataset, it’s important to interpret its value. A higher value of MAD indicates that the data points are widely spread out from the central tendency or the mean, which indicates higher variability. Conversely, a lower MAD value suggests that the data is closer to the mean and less variability.

While MAD is useful in measuring data variability, it’s not a perfect measure. It’s particularly sensitive to outliers that can skew the results. In such cases, it’s recommended to use more robust statistical measures like the median absolute deviation (MAD) or standard deviation.

Using MAD in Quality Control

MAD is often used in quality control and management for identifying and reducing process variability. For example, if you’re a manufacturer producing a product using a machined process, you can use MAD to measure the variability of the dimensions of the finished products. A higher MAD would suggest that your process has higher variability, which may lead to high rejection rates and quality control issues. By using MAD, you can identify the areas where your process is inconsistent and make necessary improvements.

Alternative Ways to Calculate MAD in Excel

While the method we’ve demonstrated above is easy and straightforward, Excel offers some alternative methods to calculate MAD. These alternative methods use Excel’s built-in functions instead of intermediate calculations and can save considerable time. You can use the following formulas to calculate MAD:

Using AVEDEV Function

The AVEDEV function calculates the average of the absolute deviations of data points from the mean of the set of values. The syntax for the AVEDEV function is:


In our example, we can use the following formula to calculate the MAD:


Result: 7.5

Using STDEV.P Function

The STDEV.P function calculates the standard deviation of a dataset. You can use the following formula to calculate the MAD:


The multiplication of 1.2533 is used to convert the standard deviation to MAD. In our example:


Result: 7.5

MAD is a useful statistical measure that helps to quantify the variability of data points compared to the mean. Excel offers an easy and straightforward method to compute the MAD using simple formulas. By using these formulas, you can quickly measure data variability, identify areas of improvement, and reduce process variability. Hopefully, this guide has been helpful in learning how to calculate MAD in Excel.


Here are some frequently asked questions about how to calculate MAD in Excel:

What does MAD represent in Excel?

MAD stands for Mean Absolute Deviation, which is a statistical measure that measures the average deviation from the mean. It’s used to quantify the variability of data points.

How is MAD different from standard deviation?

MAD and standard deviation are both statistical measures that quantify variability in a dataset. MAD is the average distance between each data point and the mean, while standard deviation measures the square root of the mean squared deviation. In general, MAD is less affected by outliers than standard deviation.

Why would I use MAD instead of standard deviation?

MAD is sometimes used instead of standard deviation because it’s more robust to outliers. Standard deviation can be easily influenced by a single value that deviates significantly from the mean, while MAD is calculated using absolute differences, which makes it more robust to such outliers.

What is the difference between MAD and MAPE?

Both MAD and MAPE are used for measuring the deviation of the model’s prediction from the actual value. MAD measures the average absolute difference between the two values, while MAPE measures the percentage difference between the two values.

What are some practical applications of MAD?

MAD is widely used in different fields, including finance, economics, manufacturing, and engineering. It’s particularly useful in quality control and management for identifying areas where the process has variability. By using MAD, you can identify the areas of improvement and reduce process variability.

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