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How to Rank in Excel

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How to Rank in Excel

Ranking data in Excel involves arranging values in a particular order that makes it easier to analyze and interpret large datasets. Whether you are working with financial, statistical, or numerical data, ranking helps you identify the highest or lowest values in your dataset with ease. When it comes to ranking in Excel, there are different methods to apply, including ranking by ascending or descending order, ranking by percentile, and ranking with competitions. In this blog post, we will explore the different ranking methods and provide step-by-step guidance on how to apply each of them using Excel’s built-in functions.

Step 1. Understanding Ranking in Excel

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of ranking in Excel, it’s crucial to understand what ranking involves. Ranking data in Excel helps you sort values in a dataset into descending or ascending order based on their numerical value. By ranking, you can identify the highest and lowest values from a set of data with ease.

Step 2. Ranking by Ascending or Descending Order

The most common way to rank data in Excel is by arranging it in descending or ascending order. To rank data in Excel:

Step 2.1 Arranging Data in Descending Order

  • Select the cells that contain the data you want to rank.
  • Click on the ‘Data’ tab, select ‘Sort Largest to Smallest’ or ‘Sort Z to A’ (depending on the version of Excel you are using).
  • Select ‘Sort by’ drop-down arrow and choose the column you want to have ordered.
  • Click on OK to finish the process and see the ranked data.

Step 2.2 Arranging Data in Ascending Order

  • Select the cells that contain the data you want to rank.
  • Click on the ‘Data’ tab, select ‘Sort Smallest to Largest’ or ‘Sort A to Z’ (depending on the version of Excel you are using).
  • Select ‘Sort by’ drop-down arrow and choose the column you want ordered.
  • Click on OK to finish the process and see the ranked data.

Step 3. Ranking Data with Percentiles

If you want to rank data based on their percentile, Excel provides a straightforward method to do it.

Step 3.1 Finding Percentile Ranks

  • In a blank cell, type the ‘’ formula followed by the cell range you want to rank and the percentile value. e.g.,, 0.9), where A1:A10 is the cell range you want to rank, and 0.9 is the percentile value you’re interested in.
  • Press ‘Enter’ to display the percentile rank of the cell range you selected.

Step 4. Ranking Data with Competitions

Another way to rank data in Excel is by ranking them based on competitions. For instance, if you want to see who came first, second, or third in a competition, you can use Excel to sort and rank the data accordingly.

Step 4.1 Setting Up the Data

  • Enter the competition scores in column A of an Excel spreadsheet.
  • In column B, enter the formula ‘rank.eq(A1,$A1:$A$10)’ or ‘rank.eq(A1,A$1:A$10,0)’. The first formula is suitable when you want to rank in ascending order while the latter is for descending order. You can increase or decrease the range value depending on the size of your dataset.
  • Copy the formula down to other rows using the ‘autofill’ handle at the bottom right of the cell to see which players came first, second, third, and so on.

Ranking data in Excel is a straightforward process that anyone can master with a little bit of practice. Whether you’re ranking data by percentile, arranging it in ascending or descending order, or through competitions, Excel has all the tools you need to organize and interpret large data sets. Now, go ahead and put your newfound Excel knowledge to work!

Additional Tips and Tricks

In addition to the standard ranking methods we discussed earlier in this post, there are several tips and tricks you can use to get more out of Excel’s ranking function.

1. Handling Ties

If you have similar values in your dataset, Excel provides ways to tackle such ties when ranking data. One way to do this is by using the ‘rank.avg’ formula instead of the ‘rank.eq.’ formula. The rank.avg formula defines Average rank of the entries in a cell range, ignoring duplicates and ties.

2. Ranking Based on Multiple Columns

Do you have a dataset that you would like to rank based on more than one column? Excel allows users to rank data based on multiple columns. To do this, you can create a helper column that concatenates the values of the columns you want to rank by, then rank the values in the helper column.

3. Using Conditional Formatting

Conditional formatting can be an excellent tool to highlight the ranked data and identify the highest or lowest values in your dataset. You can use conditional formatting to apply formatting that draws attention to specific data points easily.

Final Thoughts

Ranking data in Excel is an essential skill for analyzing and interpreting large datasets. Whether you’re working with financial data, ranking students in a classroom, or sorting data based on multiple columns, Excel has all the tools you need to organize and interpret your data efficiently. Use the tips and tricks we have discussed above to become a ranking expert and take your data analysis skills to the next level.

FAQs – How to Rank in Excel

Here are some frequently asked questions about ranking data in Microsoft Excel.

What does it mean to rank data in Excel?

Ranking data in Excel refers to the process of arranging values in a particular order that makes it easier to analyze and interpret large datasets. Ranking helps in identifying the highest or lowest values in your dataset with ease.

What method can I use to rank data in excel?

There are different approaches you can use to rank data in Excel. These include ranking by ascending or descending order, ranking by percentile, and ranking with competitions. Each of these methods has specific steps outlined in the blog post above.

How do I tackle ties when ranking data in Excel?

If you have ties in your dataset, you can use the rank.average formula instead of the rank.eq formula. The rank.average formula defines the average rank of entries in a cell range, ignoring duplicates and ties.

Can I rank data based on more than one column in Excel?

Yes, if you would like to rank your data based on more than one column, you can create a helper column that concatenates the values of the columns you want to rank by, then rank the values in the helper column.

How can I highlight the ranked data in Excel?

You can use conditional formatting to highlight the ranked data in your Excel sheet. For instance, you can apply formatting that highlights the highest, lowest or top 10 ranked cells in your dataset.

Bill Whitman from Learn Excel

I'm Bill Whitman, the founder of, where I combine my passion for education with my deep expertise in technology. With a background in technology writing, I excel at breaking down complex topics into understandable and engaging content. I'm dedicated to helping others master Microsoft Excel and constantly exploring new ways to make learning accessible to everyone.

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