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Excel XMATCH Function

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Excel XMATCH Function

Microsoft Excel’s XMATCH function revolutionizes how we search for items within arrays or range of cells. As a powerful tool in the Excel toolkit, XMATCH can locate a specified item’s position in an array or range and return its relative position. Unlike traditional lookup functions, XMATCH offers enhanced capabilities such as search modes and match modes, making it versatile for complex data analysis tasks. This brief overview introduces you to the XMATCH function, setting the stage for deeper exploration into its syntax, usage, and applications.


This function falls under Excel Lookup and Reference Functions, a category that encompasses a range of functions designed to help you find values, reference data efficiently, and manipulate arrays or ranges in Excel.

Excel XMATCH Syntax

=XMATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_mode], [search_mode])

The XMATCH function syntax consists of the following arguments:

  • lookup_value: The value you want to search for in the lookup_array.
  • lookup_array: The array or range within which the search for the lookup_value is conducted.
  • match_mode (optional): Specifies the match type. 0 for exact match (default), -1 for exact match or next smaller item, 1 for exact match or next larger item, 2 for wildcard match.
  • search_mode (optional): Defines the method of search. 1 for search from first to last (default), -1 for search from last to first, 2 for binary search ascending, -2 for binary search descending.

Excel XMATCH Parameters

Each parameter plays a crucial role in how XMATCH operates:

  • lookup_value is what you’re trying to find. This can be a number, text, logical value, or even a name or reference to the value.
  • lookup_array is the set of values XMATCH searches through. It can be a single row, a single column, or a one-dimensional array.
  • match_mode allows you to refine your search for an exact match or use a less stringent criterion, helpful for dynamic datasets.
  • search_mode optimizes searching by offering different directions and methods, which can increase efficiency for large datasets or specific data arrangements.

Return Value

XMATCH returns the relative position of the lookup_value within the lookup_array. If the function cannot find a match, it returns an error.


Let’s demonstrate XMATCH with a couple of examples:

  • Finding a value in a vertical range: =XMATCH("Apple", A1:A5) returns the position of “Apple” in the range A1:A5.
  • Using match_mode to find the next larger item if an exact match isn’t found: =XMATCH(15, A1:A10, 1) might return the position of the number 20 if 15 isn’t found, but 20 is the next larger number in the list.

Use Cases

Common use cases for the XMATCH function include:

  • Dynamic data validation lists.
  • Complex index-match scenarios where lookup values may not be exact.
  • Searching and retrieving positional information for data sorting or filtering.

For best practices, remember to:

  • Clearly define your lookup array to avoid errors.
  • Utilize match_mode and search_mode to cater to the specific needs of your task.

Common Errors

Users might encounter errors such as:

  • #N/A error if the lookup_value is not found.
  • #VALUE! error if the arguments are of the wrong type.

To troubleshoot, ensure your lookup_value is within the lookup_array and that all arguments are correctly inputted.


XMATCH is available in Excel for Office 365 and Excel 2019 and later. Those using earlier versions of Excel would need to use alternative functions, such as MATCH.


The XMATCH function is a versatile and powerful addition to Excel’s Lookup and Reference Functions, offering enhanced search capabilities that cater to a range of scenarios. By understanding how to utilize its syntax and parameters effectively, users can greatly improve their data manipulation and analysis tasks. We encourage you to experiment with XMATCH in your spreadsheets and explore the benefits it can bring to your data handling processes. Remember, is here to provide trusted advice and comprehensive guides on how to make the most of Excel’s functions.

Bill Whitman from Learn Excel

I'm Bill Whitman, the founder of, where I combine my passion for education with my deep expertise in technology. With a background in technology writing, I excel at breaking down complex topics into understandable and engaging content. I'm dedicated to helping others master Microsoft Excel and constantly exploring new ways to make learning accessible to everyone.

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