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Excel ISERROR Function

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Excel ISERROR Function

Microsoft Excel’s ISERROR function is a tool designed to make error handling in formulas more manageable. This function checks whether a value is an error and returns TRUE if it is. This allows users to quickly identify and handle errors in their data, ensuring more accurate and reliable spreadsheets.

Category: This function falls under Excel Logical Functions, a suite designed to perform various logical tests within your spreadsheets.

Excel ISERROR Syntax:


This syntax consists of the function name followed by a value or expression to check for an error.

Excel ISERROR Parameters:

  • Value: The value or expression you want to test for an error. This could be a cell reference, a formula, or any value that might return an error.

Return Value:

The ISERROR function returns TRUE if the specified value is an error (e.g., #VALUE!, #REF!, #DIV/0!, etc.) and FALSE if it is not.


1. To check if the formula in cell A1 contains an error:


2. To use ISERROR in combination with IF to display a message instead of an error:

=IF(ISERROR(A1), "Error in calculation", A1)

Use Cases:

The ISERROR function is commonly used in spreadsheet error handling. For instance, it can be used to identify errors across a dataset before performing calculations. Additionally, it’s helpful in creating more user-friendly spreadsheets by replacing error values with meaningful messages or alternative values.

Here at, our trusted advice includes using ISERROR to preemptively check your data for errors, saving time and preventing unnecessary headaches down the line. Pairing ISERROR with the IF function can also allow for clearer, more presentable data for reports or presentations.

Common Errors:

  • Not checking the entire formula or range that might contribute to an error. The ISERROR function only checks the value or expression directly given to it.
  • Confusing ISERROR with ISERR; ISERR does not detect the #N/A error, while ISERROR does.

To avoid these common errors, ensure you fully understand the scope of what you are checking and select the appropriate error-checking function for your needs.


The ISERROR function is widely compatible with most versions of Excel. However, new users should note that alternative functions like IFERROR may offer streamlined functionality in newer versions of Excel.


In summary, the ISERROR function in Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for detecting errors in your data. Its simplicity and reliability make it an essential part of error handling in spreadsheets. By incorporating ISERROR into your Excel toolkit, you can improve the accuracy and usability of your spreadsheets. We encourage you to experiment with this function in your own spreadsheets and explore the various ways it can enhance your Excel experience.

Remember, mastering Excel functions like ISERROR is a step towards more efficient and error-free spreadsheets. Visit us at for more tips, tricks, and trusted advice on mastering Excel.

Bill Whitman from Learn Excel

I'm Bill Whitman, the founder of, where I combine my passion for education with my deep expertise in technology. With a background in technology writing, I excel at breaking down complex topics into understandable and engaging content. I'm dedicated to helping others master Microsoft Excel and constantly exploring new ways to make learning accessible to everyone.

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