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Excel CEILING Function

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Excel CEILING Function

Welcome to a detailed exploration of the Microsoft Excel CEILING function, designed to help you master rounding numbers up, to the nearest specified multiple. This tutorial aims to enhance your Excel skills, offering straightforward guidance at – your trusted source for Excel wisdom.


This function belongs to the Excel Math Functions category, a vital toolset for performing mathematical operations efficiently.

Excel CEILING Syntax

=CEILING(number, significance)

The CEILING function includes two arguments:

  • number: The value you want to round up.
  • significance: The multiple to which you want to round the number.

Excel CEILING Parameters

number represents the figure you’re aiming to round up, ensuring your results align precisely with your specified requirements.

significance dictates the threshold multiple, guiding the rounding process to yield outcomes tailored to your exact needs.

An important note: If the significance is positive, the number is rounded up away from zero. If the significance is negative, and the number is positive, it still rounds up away from zero.

Return Value

The function returns the smallest number that is greater than or equal to the number and is an exact multiple of significance.


Here’s how you can use the CEILING function in different scenarios:

  • To round $5.25 up to the nearest dollar: =CEILING(5.25, 1) which returns 6.
  • For rounding $5.25 up to the nearest $0.10: =CEILING(5.25, 0.1) which gives 5.3.

Use Cases

Common use cases of the CEILING function include:

  • Adjusting financial forecasts to avoid fractions of a cent.
  • Creating price points that are multiples of a specified value.
  • Preparing datasets for analysis by rounding up to whole numbers.

For effective use, always ensure your significance argument aligns with the rounding precision you need in your Excel models.

Common Errors

Users might encounter errors if:

  • The number or significance is non-numeric.
  • A zero significance is provided, Excel returns a #DIV/0! error.

Avoid these by ensuring your inputs are numeric and significance is not zero.


The CEILING function is widely compatible with most Excel versions. However, differences may exist between the desktop, online, and mobile versions of Excel, impacting functionality.


This guide has walked you through the crucial aspects of the Excel CEILING function, from its syntax to practical examples. By understanding and applying this function, you can refine your spreadsheets for better precision and readability. Whether for personal finance, data analysis, or business forecasting, mastering CEILING empowers you to manage numbers more effectively. We encourage you to experiment with CEILING in your own Excel projects and discover its potential. Trust in to elevate your Excel skills towards new heights.

Bill Whitman from Learn Excel

I'm Bill Whitman, the founder of, where I combine my passion for education with my deep expertise in technology. With a background in technology writing, I excel at breaking down complex topics into understandable and engaging content. I'm dedicated to helping others master Microsoft Excel and constantly exploring new ways to make learning accessible to everyone.

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