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How to Change Formatting of Date in Excel

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How to Change Formatting of Date in Excel

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to change the formatting of dates in Microsoft Excel, you’ve come to the right place. Dates are an essential component of data analysis, and it’s important to know how to display them correctly. In this blog post, we’ll go over the steps you need to take to change the formatting of dates in Excel, so you can present your data accurately and effectively. Whether you’re an Excel beginner or a seasoned pro, this guide will provide you with the information you need to get the job done.


Dates are an important aspect of any data analysis in Excel. However, the default date formats may not always suit your needs or preferences. Changing the date format can be crucial in presenting your data accurately and coherently. Fortunately, Microsoft Excel offers various options to alter the date format. In this blog post, we will go over a simple guide on how to change the formatting of dates in Excel.

Select Date Range

The first step in changing the format of dates in Excel is selecting the date range. Click on the cell containing the date and drag the cursor to highlight the range of cells containing the dates you want to format. This will enable you to perform changes to the entire range of cells at once.

Choosing the Date Format

After selecting the desired range of cells, the next step is selecting the desired date format. Go to the Home tab and navigate to the Number section. From this section, click on the dropdown list named ‘Number Format.’ Here you will have access to a plethora of date and time formatting options.

Customizing the Date Format

If no available format on the dropdown menu suits your preferences, you can further customize by creating a custom date format. To customize, click on the ‘More Number Formats’ option at the bottom of the list. This will open the ‘Format Cells’ dialog box that will allow you to create a custom format.

Previewing the Date Format

Excel provides you with a preview option. This means that you can view a preview of the selected date format in the ‘Sample’ section of the ‘Format Cells’ dialog box. This will give you a good visual representation of how the dates will appear on the worksheet.

Applying the Date Format

Lastly, after choosing or customizing the date format, click the Ok button. This will apply the chosen date format to the selected range of cells. The dates in the range of cells will now be displayed according to your chosen format.

In conclusion, changing the formatting of dates in Excel is a simple process that can significantly impact the presentation and accuracy of your data. Using the steps outlined above, you can change the date format in Excel to suit your needs and preferences. With this knowledge, you can now create more visually appealing and insightful Excel worksheets.

Common Date Formats

Microsoft Excel offers various date format templates that are commonly used across many industries. These date formats include:

  • Short Date: Displays the date in the month, day, and year format (e.g., 6/1/2021).
  • Long Date: Displays the date in a complete format, including the day of the week (e.g., Tuesday, June 1, 2021).
  • Time: Displays the time in hours, minutes, and seconds format (e.g., 11:52:30 AM).
  • Date and Time: Displays the date and time in a single cell (e.g., 6/1/2021 11:52:30 AM).

Customizing the Date Formats

Customizing your date format can improve data display and analysis. The ‘Format Cells’ dialog box also allows for further customizations, such as altering the order of the day, month, and year. You can also display dates in various ways by separating the parts of the date with punctuation such as hyphens, slashes, or periods.

Other Tips

Some Excel users may encounter date formatting that does not respond to their formatting changes. In such scenarios, you may need to ensure that Excel recognizes the dates as textual values by chosen ‘Text’ as the category. This is because dates that have a mix of several formatting options may create issues with date formatting.

Formatting dates in Excel is essential to displaying and analyzing data accurately. Whether you’re displaying dates for financial, academic, or analytical purposes, formatting them correctly is crucial. By using the simple steps outlined in this blog post, you can quickly and easily change the date format and present your data visually. Happy Exceling!


Here are some frequently asked questions about changing the formatting of dates in Excel:

What is the difference between a long date and a short date format?

The difference between a long and short date format is the level of detail displayed. A short date format displays the date in the month, day, and year (e.g., 06/01/2021). A long date format, on the other hand, displays the full name of the day, month, and year (e.g., Tuesday, June 1, 2021).

Why is it important to format dates correctly in Excel?

Formatting dates correctly in Excel is important, as it enhances data analysis and presentation. Incorrectly formatted dates can be confusing and affect decision-making processes, particularly when dates are used to track progress or mark deadlines. Correctly formatted dates make it easier to track and analyze data, reducing errors.

Can I change the date format for an entire worksheet?

Yes. You can change the date format for an entire worksheet by selecting the column(s) where you want to apply the new format. Next, right-click the selection and choose ‘Format Cells.’ Select the desired format from the ‘Number’ tab and click ‘OK.’ The new format will be applied to all the dates on the worksheet automatically.

What if the date format I need is not on the list of built-in formats?

If you cannot find the date format you need from the available list of built-in formats, you can customize your format. Click on the ‘More Number Formats’ option to open the ‘Format Cells’ dialog box, then select the ‘Custom’ category. Input the format you need into the ‘Type’ field, then click ‘OK.’ The new format will be applied to your selected cell(s) or range.

Why is my date format not changing even when I follow these steps?

When Excel fails to register a date as a date, it may not respond to date-formatting changes. Ensure that Excel recognizes the cell as a date format by checking that the cell contains a continuous sequence of numbers organized as Month, Day, Year, and separated by slashes. If the dates are entered as separate parts into different cells, Excel will not format your dates correctly. You may have to concatenate or link the cells into a single cell by following the concatenate function or using the & sign to join the cells. Afterward, use the steps above to change the date format.

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