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How to Adjust Row Height in Excel

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How to Adjust Row Height in Excel

Learn how to adjust row height in Excel with ease and efficiency. Customizing row height allows you to format your spreadsheet to display information in a way that is easy to read and comprehend. Changing row height is a simple process that can be accomplished in several ways within Excel. This guide will provide you with a step-by-step process on how to adjust the row height in your Excel worksheet, allowing you to work efficiently and effectively.


Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for managing and analyzing data, but it can be frustrating when you can’t get your spreadsheet to display the way you want. Adjusting row height is one of the most basic and important formatting tasks you’ll perform in Excel, as it allows you to view all the data in your sheet with ease. In this tutorial, we’ll give you step-by-step instructions on how to adjust row height in Excel, so you can format your spreadsheet exactly how you want it.

Method 1: Adjust Row Height Manually

The easiest way to adjust row height in Excel is to do it manually:

  1. Highlight the row or rows that you want to adjust by clicking on the row number on the left-hand side of the screen.
  2. Place your cursor over the bottom border of the highlighted row until it turns into a double-sided arrow.
  3. Click and drag the border up or down to adjust the row height to your desired size.
  4. Release the mouse button to set the new row height.

Method 2: Adjust Row Height using the Ribbon

You can also use the Ribbon to adjust row height in Excel, which can be especially helpful if you need to adjust multiple rows at once:

  1. Highlight the row or rows that you want to adjust by clicking on the row number on the left-hand side of the screen.
  2. Click on the “Home” tab in the Ribbon at the top of the screen.
  3. In the “Cells” group, click on the “Format” button.
  4. Select “Row Height” from the dropdown menu.
  5. Type in the new row height that you want, or use the up and down arrows to adjust the height.
  6. Click “OK” to set the new row height.

Method 3: Using Autofit to Set Row Height Automatically

If you’re working with a large spreadsheet that has variable row heights, you may want to use the Autofit feature to adjust row height automatically:

  1. Highlight the row or rows that you want to adjust by clicking on the row number on the left-hand side of the screen.
  2. Double-click the bottom border of the highlighted row.
  3. The row height will adjust automatically to fit the largest amount of content in that row.

Being able to adjust row height in Excel is a fundamental skill that every user should master. Whether you need to format your spreadsheet to fit on one page, or you just want to make your data easier to read, knowing how to adjust row height will make your work in Excel more efficient and effective. Use any of the three methods we’ve outlined here to customize your spreadsheet and improve your workflow.

What to Do When Your Row Height Doesn’t Adjust

Occasionally, you may try to adjust the height of a row in Excel, but nothing happens. When this occurs, don’t worry; there are solutions to this problem.

Solution 1: Check for merged cells

One reason why Excel may not let you adjust row height is that some cells in the row are merged. To solve this, highlight the problematic row, right-click it, select “Unmerge Cells,” and try adjusting the row height again.

Solution 2: Check for hidden text

Another reason why row height may not adjust as you wish is that a cell (or cells) in the row contains hidden text. To fix this, select the affected row, right-click, select Format Cells, click the Alignment tab, and then uncheck the box labeled “Wrap Text.” This method could reduce the font size or remove some spaces in the row after unchecking the Wrap Text option.

Best Practices When Adjusting Row Height in Excel

To ensure your Excel sheets stay readable and usable, it’s necessary to adhere to some best practices when adjusting row height:

Don’t go overboard

Avoid making your rows too tall as it can push content to the next page and ruin the formatting. Also, excessively tall rows make the document difficult to follow, particularly when printing or displaying on different devices.

Save your work before changes

Before messing around with row height, it’s recommended to save your work. This is because human error and technical glitches can occur, causing you to lose your worksheet layout.

Use the Autofit feature sparingly

The Autofit feature is excellent for adjusting the height of several rows quickly. However, if you select an entire section, or in worst-case scenarios, the whole worksheet, the rows can become too big, and the data can get hard to read or use. It’s best to use Autofit wisely and confine it to the range of cells that legitimately require it.

Now, you know how to adjust row height in Excel using the methods we’ve discussed in this article. We’ve also included some tips and best practices to help you format your spreadsheets correctly. Remember, adjusting row height is crucial to maintain the readability and usefulness of your website. Practice makes perfect, so don’t hesitate to experiment with Excel and its features. Finally, ensure you save your work regularly to avoid losing valuable data or information.


Here are some frequently asked questions about adjusting row height in Excel:

Can I adjust the row height of multiple rows at once?

Yes, you can adjust the row height of multiple rows at once. To do this, highlight all the rows you want to adjust, then adjust the height of one, and all the highlighted rows will assume that height. Alternatively, you can use the Format Cells feature to adjust the rows’ height altogether.

What do I do if the wrapped text isn’t fully visible in a cell?

If the wrapped text isn’t visible in a cell, you can adjust the row height of that respective text-carrying row to show all the phrases within. Additionally, you can extend the length of the cell by dragging it from the right side’s oriental dotted line. Excel will automatically adjust the text within the cell once its length extends.

Can I automatically resize multiple row heights to fit content without adjusting each one manually?

Yes, you can do this using the Autofit function. Simply highlight the rows you want to adjust and double-click on the grid-line dividing the selected rows, and Excel will adjust the height to fit the largest cell’s content. However, remember that using Autofit can lead to rows being more extensive than necessary, so it’s best to use it sparingly and not for entire rows.

Can I adjust the row height of multiple rows while keeping the same row heights?

The easiest and most precise way to adjust the row height of multiple rows is by using the Format Cells feature. Highlight all the rows you want to adjust, click the Format Cells button in the ribbon, click on the Row tab, and enter the desired height in the text box. This will adjust all the highlighted rows’ height to the same value at once.

How can I adjust row height in a protected Excel sheet?

Suppose the sheet isn’t password-protected. In that case, you can protect the sheet but allow users to format rows and columns, including adjusting their height. To do so, right-click the sheet tab, select “Protect Sheet,” and toggle on the “Format rows” checkbox.

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