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How to Group Data in Excel

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How to Group Data in Excel

If you are an avid Excel user, grouping data can help you to display and manage data more efficiently. Grouping data allows you to collapse and expand sections of related data for a more organized view. This function is especially useful when working with large datasets with multiple categories that need to be analyzed and compared. In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps needed to quickly group your data in Excel.

Step 1: Select Your Data

The first step to group data in Excel is to ensure that your data is organized in a tabular format. This means that each column should have a unique heading, and there should be no empty rows or columns. Once your data is ready, select the entire range of cells that you want to group. You can do this by clicking and dragging the cursor over the range of cells.

Step 2: Access the Grouping Function

After selecting the data, access the grouping function by navigating to the “Data” tab on the Excel ribbon. Within the grouping function, you will find the “Group” option.

Grouping Data by Rows

If you want to group your data by rows, select the rows that you want to group. Next, right-click on the selected rows and choose “Group” from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut key “Shift + Alt + Right Arrow” to group rows. Excel will automatically group the selected rows and add a horizontal line to indicate the grouping.

Grouping Data by Columns

If you want to group your data by columns, select the columns that you want to group. Next, right-click on the selected columns and choose “Group” from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut key “Shift + Alt + Down Arrow” to group columns. Excel will automatically group the selected columns and add a vertical line to indicate the grouping.

Step 3: Collapse and Expand Grouped Data

After you have grouped your data, you can collapse or expand the grouped sections to view or hide the data. To collapse a section, click on the minus sign (-) next to the grouped section’s label. To expand a section, click on the plus sign (+) next to the grouped section’s label.

Step 4: Ungroup Your Data

If you want to ungroup your data, select the grouped rows or columns, right-click on the selection, and choose “Ungroup” from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut key “Shift + Alt + Left Arrow” to ungroup rows and “Shift + Alt + Up Arrow” to ungroup columns.

Grouping data is a powerful tool that can help you to manage and display data more efficiently in Excel. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can quickly group and ungroup rows or columns and collapse or expand grouped sections to view your data more easily. We hope this article has been helpful in improving your Excel skills and enhancing your data management abilities.

Grouping Tips and Tricks

When using grouping in Excel, keep the following tips and tricks in mind to make the most out of your experience:

Automatic Grouping

Excel has a neat feature that allows it to automatically group data for you based on the dates, numbers, or text in your data. To enable automatic grouping, right-click on the column or row heading and choose the “Group” option. Excel will automatically group the data according to the data type.

Nesting Groups

You can also nest groups to further organize your data. Nesting groups involves grouping your data according to more than one level. For example, you might want to group data by year, and then by quarter. In this case, you would first group your data by year, and then nest the quarter data under each year grouping.

Add Subtotals to Your Data

In addition to grouping, you can also add subtotals to your data to help you analyze and summarize your data. To add subtotals, select the data range that you want to subtotal, go to the “Data” tab on the Excel ribbon, and choose the “Subtotal” option. Excel will prompt you to choose the column to subtotal and the function to use.

Grouping data in Excel can help you manage your data efficiently, save time when analyzing large datasets, and make it easier to understand. By taking advantage of Excel’s powerful grouping features, such as automatic grouping, nesting groups, and adding subtotals, you can further enhance your data management skills and improve your Excel proficiency. We hope this article has been helpful in showing you how to group data in Excel, and wish you the best of luck in your Excel endeavors!


Here are some common questions about grouping data in Excel:

Can I group by more than one category?

Yes, you can group by multiple categories in Excel by using the “Nesting Groups” feature.

Can I add subtotals to grouped data?

Yes, you can add subtotals to grouped data to analyze and summarize your data further.

Can I ungroup data to its original format?

Yes, you can easily ungroup data in Excel by selecting the grouped cells and choosing the “Ungroup” option from the right-click menu.

What is the shortcut key to group rows together?

The shortcut key to group rows in Excel is “Shift + Alt + Right Arrow”.

How do I collapse or expand grouped sections in Excel?

To collapse or expand grouped sections, click on the plus or minus sign next to the grouped section’s label. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut key “Alt+Shift+-” to collapse a section and “Alt+Shift++” to expand a section.

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