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How to Group Countries into Continents in Excel

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How to Group Countries into Continents in Excel

Are you looking for an efficient way to group countries by continents in Microsoft Excel? If so, look no further than this helpful guide. By utilizing built-in Excel features and third-party tools, you can quickly and easily organize country data by continent. This process can save time and improve the accuracy of your data analysis. Whether you’re a business professional or a student, being able to group countries by continent can be a valuable skill to have in your Excel toolbox.


If you’re working with a large dataset that includes countries from around the world, it can be helpful to group them by continents. By doing so, you’ll be able to analyze the data for each continent, which can be particularly useful for businesses that operate on a global scale. Luckily, Excel has a few built-in features that make grouping countries by continent a breeze. In this guide, we’ll take you through the step-by-step process of doing just that.

Step 1: Create a List of Countries

The first thing you’ll need to do is create a list of countries that you want to group by continent. You can do this by typing out the name of each country in a column. In order for the grouping feature to work, make sure that each country is spelled correctly and that there are no blank rows in your list.

Step 2: Add a Column for Continents

With your list of countries created, the next step is to add a column for the continent each country belongs to. To do this, select the cell next to the first country in your list and type ” =CONTINENT(cell)” (without the quotes), where “cell” is the cell reference for the country cell. For example, if your list starts at A2, the formula for the first country would be =CONTINENT(A2).

Option 1: Using the Built-in Formulas

If you’re using Excel 2016 or later versions, you can use the built-in formulas to get the continent of the countries. Select the cell next to the first country cell. Then, type =IFERROR(XLOOKUP([country cell],CountryLookup[Country],CountryLookup[Continent]),””) (remove the [] and replace the words with actual values), where [country cell] is the cell reference for the country that you want to lookup from the CountryLookup table (a named range for the table), and CountryLookup[Country] and CountryLookup[Continent] are named ranges for the country and continent columns of the table. Drag the fill handle of the cell to populate all the other cells that you want to generate the continents for.

Option 2: Using a Third-Party Add-In

If you’re using an earlier version of Excel or if you prefer a simpler method, you can also use a third-party add-in like the Continents List add-in. To do this, install and activate the Continents List add-in. Then, select the cell next to the first country in your list and type ” =CONTINENT(cell)” (without the quotes), where “cell” is the cell reference for the country cell. The add-in will automatically look up the continent for each country and populate the column for you.

Step 3: Group by Continents

With the continents added to your list of countries, the final step is to group the countries by continent. To do this, select the entire table including the header row. Then, go to the “Data” tab and click on “Sort & Filter” and select “Sort Oldest to Newest.” It will prompt you if you want to expand selections. Select Yes. A second grouping slider will appear on the left part of table. Expand the continents you want to examine and toggle to fold or unfold each continent. Congratulations! You have successfully grouped countries by continent in Excel.

Grouping countries by continent is a simple way to analyze data for specific regions of the world. With Excel’s built-in features and third-party tools, it’s easy to group countries by continent in just a few simple steps. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to organize your data and gain valuable insights into the countries that make up each continent.

How to Get Country Codes in Excel

If you’re working with country data, you may also want to include country codes. These codes are unique identifiers for each country and can be helpful for data analysis and visualization. To get country codes in Excel, you can use the built-in formula VLOOKUP. First, create a list of countries and their corresponding codes. Then, in the cell next to the first country name, enter the formula =VLOOKUP(cell, table, 2, FALSE), where “cell” is the cell reference for the first country name, “table” is the range of your country code table, and “2” indicates the column number with the country codes. Drag the fill handle of the cell to populate the rest of the cells. You now have your country codes!

How to Create Interactive Visualizations using Grouped Countries

With your countries grouped by continent, you can create interactive visualizations to help you better understand your data. One way to do this is by using Excel’s “PivotChart” tool. First, select your table of grouped countries. Then, go to the “Insert” tab and select “PivotChart.” Choose the chart type and layout you prefer and drag the fields into the appropriate boxes. For example, you can drag the continents field to the “Axis (Categories)” box and the number of countries for each continent to the “Values” box. Now you have an interactive chart that allows you to explore your data in new and exciting ways.

How to Update the List of Countries and Continents

As time goes on, you may need to update your list of countries and continents. To do this, simply add or delete the relevant rows in your table. If you used the built-in formulas or a third-party add-in to get the continents, Excel will automatically update the list. If you used VLOOKUP to get country codes, you may need to adjust the formula to include any new rows that you add.

Grouping countries by continent is a great way to organize and explore your data. Using the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can group countries by continent in just a few clicks. Additionally, you can enhance your data analysis by including country codes and creating interactive visualizations. Whether you’re a business professional or a student, mastering these Excel skills can help you gain valuable insights into your data and make better decisions.


Here are some common questions about grouping countries by continent in Excel:

Can I group countries by region instead of continent?

Yes, you can group countries by any region you choose. To do this, create a list of regions and their corresponding countries. Then, use the same formulas or add-ins to get the regions for each country and group them accordingly.

What if a country belongs to more than one continent?

If a country belongs to multiple continents, you can either choose the continent that it’s most commonly associated with or create a separate group for that country. Alternately, you can create another column to factor the country’s affiliations to each continent you consider relevant and group accordingly.

How can I make sure I have accurate country data?

It’s important to make sure your country data is accurate for proper analysis. One way to ensure accuracy is to use a trusted source, such as the World Bank or the United Nations. You may also want to double-check your data against multiple sources to ensure consistency.

Can I group countries by other criteria besides continents?

Yes, you can group countries by virtually any criteria you choose. Some examples might include language, religion, or population size. To group by other criteria, simply create a list of the criteria and their corresponding countries and use the techniques outlined in this guide to group them accordingly.

Can I use other tools besides Excel to group countries?

Yes, there are many tools out there for grouping countries and analyzing data. Some popular tools include Tableau, IBM Watson Analytics, and QlikView. However, Excel is a great choice for its accessibility and versatility. It is readily available and easy to use for non-data scientists.

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